Niña Yhared (1814) she is one of the most important young performance artist in Mexico, her work is being recognized both, nationally and abroad; also specializes in the diffusion and promotion of the “Action Art” through her “performance” gallery “The House of the Girl”. In 2011 she was invited to an artistic update, with the collaboration of Lala Nómada, at the SAVVY Contemporary Gallery - The Laboratory of Form-Ideas, in Berlin, Germany. Also conducted a research residency at the University of Barcelona, Spain. She also presented the “performance” Ephemeral Body, a performance Project, with artist Lorena Rivero de Beer, in Liverpool, UK. She participated in: In Action. Women. at “La Tabacalera”, Madrid, Spain, and I will tell you about my life, a performance in the context of the retrospective exhibition of Esther Ferrer, the invitation was issued by Artium, Basque Centre-Museum of Contemporary Art, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. She has acted over 80 performances in Mexico (Ex Teresa Actual Art, Museum of the Mexican IRS, Alameda Art Laboratory, Spanish Cultural Center, and in the “CANTE” belonging to the Centennial Art Center of San Luis Potosí, among others) and abroad (PerforArt Spai Gallery in Barcelona; Museum of Contemporary Art in Tucson, Arizona; “Humming Bird” Studio Gallery, National Museum of Mexican Art, Chicago; LACE Gallery-Los Angeles, Contemporary Exhibitions, Los Angeles, California, Arizona Latino Arts & Cultural Center ALAC, Phoenix, Arizona). She has mounted the shows Cabaret “Performance” (2006-2007) and Venus Cabaret (2008), both at the National Arts Center (Cenart, México City), and Venus Cabaret (2009) at the House of the Lake “Juan José Arreola”, belonging to the National University (UNAM), placed at the ”Chapultepec” Forest. She earned her BA in Visual Arts at the School of Painting, Sculpture and Engraving “La Esmeralda” belonging to the INBA. Now currently completing her Masters Degree in Visual Arts at the Academy of San Carlos, National School of Plastic Arts (ENAP), part of the UNAM. Niña Yhared is a multidisciplinary artist and she has dabbled in performance, literature, short stories, poetry, drawing and painting. She has published three books of short stories, ink drawings, and poems. The latest, “The Feast of the Nymphs” (“CANTE” Editions, 2010), brings together her stories, graphic production and design. Among her solo exhibitions outstands “Sea Fairies”, “Lubricity” and “Ethereal Magic”.